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School Calendar

Current School Calendar 

The important dates regarding the start and end of the school year, school holidays and major school events are included in the public school calendar. This calendar can be found on the link above and also on the HOPE Intranet site.

There are other events within various Google calendars.   The Staff calendar has all school events posted on the appropriate days, including, but not limited to: meetings, sports events, holidays, Board Meetings, staff devotions, birthdays, etc.  While HOPE Management and Academic Administration work hard to finalise details, changes do occur and the calendar should be checked regularly for any updates or changes.

School Day

The work day is from 7:15 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.  All employees who are classified as Teachers, Administrative Teaching Staff and Staff should be present on school grounds during working hours 7:15 am to 4:00 pm.  Teachers are allowed to leave the school at 2:45 pm if there are no meetings or after school responsibilities in recognition that teachers often grade and do lesson prep in the evening or on the weekends. All full-time employees are expected to participate in daily devotions at 7:15 am. Part-time employees are expected to participate in daily devotions on the days they are present on campus. Additional meetings and extracurricular activities are usually held from 2:45 pm to 4:00 pm. There are rare occasions when staff are expected to participate in work outside of normal hours for meetings or events. 

Bell Schedule

School starts 8:00

Period 0 (Pastoral) 8:00-8:20

Period 1 8:20-9:10

Period 2 9:10-10:00

Morning tea break 10:00-10:20

Period 3 10:20-11:10

Period 4 11:10-12:00

Lunch break 12:00-12:50

Period 5 12:50-13:40

Period 6 13:40-14:30

School ends 14:30

Period 7 14:45- 15:30 additional classes

Teaching Staff Meetings

Meetings are held weekly by the division. All teachers are required to attend. The purpose of the meetings is a time for professional development, professional information and the sharing of ideas and best practice for teaching and learning. 

Additional Duties for Teaching Staff

All teaching employees will undertake the following duties throughout the school as requested:

Home School Support

HOPE includes homeschool students in sports and other events. They are also given access to the library. 

Children leaving grounds

Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during the school day except with advanced permission from their parent/s. Parents wishing to collect students early must inform the Front Office in advance so that teachers can be prepared. 

Collection of Monies

HOPE encourages all payments to be made via its ABA online banking account. School fees can be taken to the office where the office cashier will receive and issue receipts. If students bring money to school, it must be in an envelope clearly stating the name, class teacher, amount and purpose for payment, and should be given to the school office immediately.  Receipts for all monies collected will be issued within 24 hours. Class teachers are not responsible for money – please direct the family to the office.

Snacks, Lunches and Drinking Water

Water refilling stations are located in various places around each campus.

Snacks and drinks can be bought from Sahakom Cafe or C9. 

Employees are encouraged to bring their own reusable cups/mugs. Free tea and coffee are also available. Century 9 (C9) provides on-site catering during the morning break and lunchtime. 

Lost and Found

All lost property is kept in the lost property basket by the lunch area. Items not claimed at the end of each semester will be disposed of.

The Learning Hub

Our online HOPE Library Catalogue of Resources (KOHA), is searchable online, for additional research access, you will need a Patron account Login and Password which can be set up by the library staff.  Follow the link to search KOHA.  

Getting to and from School

Cars: Cars are to be parked on the gravel past the primary gate starting from the far end, filling in each available spot. 

Bicycles: All employees and students riding to and from school must wear a helmet. 

Motorbikes: All Employees and students must wear a helmet to ride a motorbike.  

All motos enter the driveway and follow it past the Guardhouse and enter the moto gate on the right.

Staff and students will park their motos near the Admin building.

Visitor parking for motos is on the outside sidewalk near the Guardhouse.

When exiting the driveway, only right turns are permitted.

Telephone Calls

Messages for teachers and/or students can be left with Front Office or Academic Admin staff. Teachers and Teaching assistants should not take calls during the school day while teaching.

Student Calls

Students are given access to the school phone in case of an emergency or a matter of importance. This is at the discretion of the Front Office staff. 

Language Assistance

As a school we recognize there are many passport countries represented in our staff/student body; therefore, there are also a variety of languages spoken by our families. HOPE seeks to communicate clearly with all its families and provides assistance upon special request. 

For example, HOPE has a large Korean population and has employees who are able to assist in the communication between the school's staff and Korean parents.  

For an official translation, requests must be submitted to the school to arrange for a translator to translate on behalf of the school if it is possible.  

Extracurricular Activities

As staffing allows, an extracurricular programme is delivered each semester. A variety of clubs are offered at a cost to be borne by students. Clubs offered have included Model UN, Khmer dance, karate, robotics, sports such as football and basketball, boxing, creative arts such as drawing and photography, performing arts such as dance, music and filmmaking. 

Office Hours

The School Offices are closed on weekends and public holidays. During the School Year, the Front Office is open from 7:45 am to 4:00 pm. During extended break periods, office hours will vary.  Any changes will be communicated via the school noticeboard and other communication channels.

Facility Rental and Reservations

HOPE does allow its facilities to be used for non-school activities. There is a fee for use.  All scheduled bookings need to be made through Phanna Rum, Business Services Manager, and she can be reached via email, at accounts@hope.edu.kh, All the normal rules and policies with regard to usage and breakages will apply.