Employee Manual | All About HOPE

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The Mission

To support world missions by providing quality, Christ-centered educational services for families of Christian workers, in Cambodia.

The Vision 

Global-minded servant-leaders with a biblical understanding and application of knowledge, impacting the world for Christ. People of HOPE - Godly leaders worldwide

School Values

Christ Culture

Our community culture is rooted in prayer and dependence on God, unity in Christ, and obedience to the teaching and example of Jesus. 

Transformational Learning

We cultivate learning that transforms the minds and hearts of students as they grow in knowledge, wisdom, and character.

Distinctly International

Our school fosters an internationally diverse community of students and staff with cultural differences that enhance the learning experience.

Servant-hearted Community

We demonstrate love and compassion as we serve one another and our neighbours.  

Training Servants of Christ

The goal of HOPE is to provide a high-quality, international, Christian education for missionary children in Cambodia. HOPE offers a ministry to the families of missionaries, enabling them to remain on the field for service. In order to maintain and promote the Christian foundations and values of the school environment, HOPE is committed to ensure that Board members, Head of School and teachers accept and uphold the HOPE Statement of Faith. Teaching will incorporate Christian values and Biblical teaching. The school will expect a high standard of behaviour based on a love of God and concern for others. The school will seek to provide an education at a fee that is affordable. HOPE seeks to offer a quality education to meet the individual child's needs, provided by appropriately qualified, experienced and committed teachers. For many students, English is their second language and we aim to support and accommodate them as their language skills develop. 

Statement of Faith

History of HOPE

The initial idea for HOPE came from a group of homeschooling mothers who were praying for help with teaching their children whilst living in Cambodia. Jo Miller, a Principal from Australia came out initially as a homeschool consultant and this evolved into teaching a few children at her home. The idea for a school was born. A steering committee was formed with interested parties from Mission Agencies (WEC, CMS NZ, CAMA, AOG, CFC). Jo Miller was appointed as the founding Principal. The first school was in a house on Street 454 near the Russian Market.

In February 2002, HOPE officially opened to provide an affordable, high-quality, international Christian education for the children of missionaries.  An advisory group was formed to help develop foundational documents that reflect our Christian community here in Phnom Penh.  

Since then, the school has grown to hundreds of students from dozens of nationalities.  Today, we are an international school registered with the Cambodian government.  

In order to maintain and promote the Christian foundations and values of the school environment, HOPE is committed to ensure that the Board members, Director and teachers accept and uphold the HOPE Statement of Faith. Teaching incorporates Christian values and Biblical teaching. The school expects a high standard of behaviour based on a love of God and concern for others. For many students, English is their second language and we aim to support and accommodate them as their language skills develop.


Establishing a firm Christian foundation and practical governance has been HOPE's priority, resulting in a two-tier model.

School Board 

HOPE is governed by a School Board.  The HOPE Board consists of one representative from participating Member Missions which include: Interserve, SIL, OMF, Pioneers, IMB, and AOG.

Other Christian Member Organisations may be invited in order to provide added wisdom and expertise to the Board in areas such as business, finance, and policy. The School Board also consists of a Parent Council representative and one teacher member.

We believe such a broad-based foundation will provide stability for the long-term existence of the school, including the provision of sound spiritual, emotional, and academic programs and excellent facilities.

The Board is the sole policy governance body and has the responsibility for the accountability and oversight of the school.  It has the ultimate authority to approve and modify the foundational documents such as: the Constitution, Vision and Mission, Statement of Faith, Philosophy of Education and the Core Values.  The School Board’s chief responsibility is to appoint a Head of School as their chief executive officer who is responsible for all managerial and operational decisions having to do with the school. The School Board oversees the major decisions around the school: property purchases, mortgage acquisitions, property sales, and building construction.

 Parent Council 

The Parent Council exists to be a catalyst of parental engagement in the ministry of HOPE International School.  It encourages the ministry of HOPE by promoting community and enhancing communication among stakeholders. Parent Council provides a voice for parent stakeholders as it contributes to positive ministry partnerships to advance the mission of HOPE School.

The Parent Council consists of up to nine parents nominated and elected by the parents of the students.  One member represents the Parent Council on the School Board.  

The Parent Council is not a governance body but supports the partnership between HOPE and the parents of students at the school  They meet once a month to advocate on behalf of HOPE families to the Head of School and the Board as well as taking a role in organising school/social functions, fundraisers, and the welcoming of new students, families and employees. Parent Council supports the implementation of HOPE plans and policies and after consultation with the broader parent body, provides advice, as required, by the HOPE Board and Head of School. The Parent Council takes an active role in helping to maintain, support, develop and promote the unique school culture and traditions that contribute to making HOPE such a special school.

School Management

Leadership Team:

The school leadership consists of the Head of School, Principals, Business Services Manager, Communications/ Marketing Manager and ICT Manager.

Head of School Adam P. Ecklund, PhD

Secondary Principal Taara Portela 

Primary Principal Adam Honeybun

Business Office Manager Phanna Rum 

Marketing and Communications Manager Hector Anica Reyes

Information Communication Technology Manager Michael Gooch

Academic Leadership Team (ALT):

The team consists of the Secondary Principal, Primary Principal, Deputies, IB/IGCSE Coordinator. For issues to be brought to the academic team, please see your appropriate Principal or Deputy.

Secondary Principal Taara Portela

High School Deputy Principal Gina Polley

IB/IGCSE Coordinator Sarah Moon

Middle School Deputy Principal Andrew Wishart

Primary Principal Adam Honeybun

Primary Deputy Principal Amera Gardose